Zion Lutheran Church of Gwinner, ND

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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Are We Beggars?

Text: Luke 16:19-31

In the name of Jesus. Amen. 

He was like an American playboy – the type of man who lived chiefly in the pursuit of pleasure.  You know what I am talking about.  The type of man who dresses flashy, has a fancy car, jewelry, new technology and thinks he is God’s gift to the world.  This is the man that we are introduced to in our reading from the Gospel of Luke.  This is the rich man.  

But we are also introduced to another man named Lazarus.  This man was quite the opposite.  He was poor, hungry, and cast aside.  He was a beggar – a loser.  No one comforted this poor beggar; no one gave him anything – he was forsaken having nothing.  No covering, no house, no home, no money, and no friends.  No one came to his aid.  Only the dogs had mercy on him as they licked his sores.  Indeed, Lazarus was a pathetic loser in the eyes of the world.  He was nothing more than a filthy failure that took up space. 

Now, both of these men had nothing in common.  They were from opposite sides of the tracks.  They were a part of two completely different classes of people.  They were cut from different cloth.  They had nothing in common.  Well, except for one thing – they both died.   

It has been said before that death is the great equalizer in life.  We all end up in the grave – the rich and the poor, the popular and the losers.  Everyone goes to the same place.  From dust, we were formed, to dust we will return.

But what about after death.  What happened to the rich man and Lazarus after death?  Well, after death we heard from our Gospel reading that there were only two options.  There was Hades (hell), and there was paradise.  Yes, there were only two options, not one and not three or four.  Only two – heaven and hell.  And so, after death there was a great change.  The rich man became poor, and poor Lazarus became rich.  That is right; Lazarus was carried by holy angels into Abraham’s bosom, and the rich man was buried in hell in the devil’s graveyard. 

But why? 

Modern day social justice warriors would say that the rich man went to hell because he was rich.  The mantra goes like this, rich capitalists are evil and poor blue collar workers are righteous.  However, is this really the point of our Gospel reading?  Is it a sin to dress nicely and live well?  Do rich people automatically go to hell and do poor people automatically go to heaven?  

No, this is not the case.  Fine clothing and good living do not condemn a person to hell, and an empty wallet is not a ticket to heaven.  There will be plenty of rich people in heaven, and there will be plenty of poor people in hell… and vice versa. 

So then, what is the point of our Gospel reading?  

Dear friends, it is simply this, fine clothing and good living would not have condemned the rich man to hell had he not looked for his pleasure and desire in them, forgetting God, and letting poor Lazarus die of hunger.[1] 

You see, in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon tells us to go and eat our bread in joy and to drink our wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what we do.  He tells us to enjoy life with our spouse.[2]  Yes, we are to consider all that we have before us as gifts.  The food that we have, the property that we own, the family that we have, and the health that we possess, are all gifts of God.  We are not worthy of any of this!  And so, we acknowledge that absolutely everything that we have received is a gift of God, no matter how big or how small, it is a sheer gift of God’s graciousness to us.  So, we enjoy the things of life that God gives to us, knowing that the Lord has blessed us. 

However, things go wrong quickly when our eating turns to gluttony and when our drinking turns to drunkenness.  Everything is perverted when our clothing turns to vainglory, and our love turns away from our neighbor to the Benjamins – that is money.  There is a big difference between enjoying the gifts that God gives to us and collapsing inward into the darkness of our sin living a pig’s life. 

That is the problem with the rich man.  It wasn’t his clothing, money, and food, but rather, he made an idol out of his belly and his desires. The rich man was so fixated on himself and serving his desires, every single day, that as a consequence he became ungracious and unmerciful because he caved inward on himself.  The rich man reclined each day submerging himself in feasting and drunkenness like a fattened hog, and as a result became blind and deaf to God and Lazarus.  He was blind to everything around him, except the delight of his eyes.  He was deaf to the cries of Lazarus, but not to the grumbles of his belly.  And the same was true for his family, his brothers.  They had Moses and the prophets, but they did not listen to them as well. 

And now we begin to see the point of this story from Jesus.  Jesus is giving us a lesson on the Third Commandment.  He is showing us that the rich man was blind and deaf to everything around him, except himself. 

What Jesus is saying in this story is that the rich man despised God’s Word because He did not hold it sacred.  In other words, the rich man did not love God. He did not recognize God as the source of his wealth.  He did not recognize the needs of his neighbor. He thought only of his pleasures and as a result, neglected God’s Word and his neighbor.  He did not gladly hear and learn the Word because his whole life was spent looking elsewhere – his clothing, feasting, and carnal desires.  He was caved in on himself. 

Dear friends, you may or may not have the blessings of luxury in your life.  Your wallets may be full, or they may be empty.  Whatever your circumstances may be, whether big or small, luxurious or humble, if you are pursuing your dreams to the point that you have neglected and turned a deaf ear to God’s Word, you are committing spiritual suicide.  And what is worse is that calling yourself a Christian, you are encouraging those around you to follow you in your destructive path to hell. 

Are these strong words?  You bet.  They are strong, because you need to hear them.  You need to hear them because the Lord does not want you to end in the place of torment with the rich man.  But rather, the Lord wants you to be with Lazarus in paradise – to be with Him.   

Dear friends, open your ears.  Turn away from yourselves.  Listen to the Word.  Do not despise the Word.  Do not neglect it at the expense of serving the god of your gut.  The Word is sacred and powerful and active to give full salvation and forgiveness. 

We have so often failed to hold this Word sacred.  We have failed to trust God, who speaks in His Word.  We have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the Word of God way too many times, which is often evident in how neglect the needs of our neighbors.

Lord have mercy on us.  Christ have mercy on us.  Lord have mercy on us. 

However, the Lord has compassion on you and me.  He did not ignore you and me, as we lay helplessly before Him, trapped in our sins, covered with the sores of our uncleanness.  No, He stooped down to us by sending His Son into our flesh. Jesus experienced pain and poverty and hunger for us.  He was despised and rejected by men as if He was the most repulsive outcast of all.

Jesus even experienced our sin, as He let the full weight of our guilt pile upon Him at Calvary.  All the idols that clutter our sinful hearts – all of the idols that we chase after – all of the idols that distract us from the Word – all of the idols that we chose over our neighbor, were counted against Jesus so that He felt the full torment of Hades as He hung upon the Tree for you and me. 

And get this, though, Jesus did not remain forever in torment but rose again from death – for you and me.

And today, as the resurrected Lord, He speaks to you in His Word.  He gives you this vivid story of the rich man and Lazarus to open your ears – to give eyes to see – to turn you away from yourselves.  And as you are given eyes to see and ears to hear, you are given faith – faith that receives the Lord’s forgiveness, life, and salvation.  Yes, you are given faith that hears that angels will someday carry you not to hades but to paradise, where God Himself will seat you with Lazarus to enjoy the eternal feast of joy.  You are given faith that grants you assurance!  You are given faith that is mighty, busy, active, and living.  You are given faith that does not ask whether there are good works to do, but before the question arises, it has already done them, and is always doing them. 

Yes, dear Baptized Saints, open your ears to hear this day.  Look away from yourselves.  Jesus has died for all of your sins and the sins of your neighbor.  He has been raised from death.  He lives today.  Therefore, He is your hope, and your neighbor’s too.  He is you and your neighbor’s satisfaction.  He is our worth.  He is our pleasure.  You are clothed in His righteousness.  You have everything you need in Christ in this life and in death and in the life to come. 

So, today, turn away from yourselves and receive the body and blood of the Lord for the forgiveness of your sin, the strengthening of your faith toward God, and the strengthening of your love towards your neighbor, neighbors like Lazarus, who are in your midst.    

In the name of Jesus.  Amen. 

[1] Johann Spangenberg, The Christian Year of Grace: The Chief Parts of Scripture Explained in Questions and Answers, tr. and ed. Matthew Carver, (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2014), 235.
[2] See Ecclesiastes 9:7-9.  

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But Everyone Knows That Doctrine Divides!

Text: John 3:1-15

In the name of Jesus. Amen. 

Today is Trinity Sunday, and with it being Trinity Sunday, we confess the words of the Athanasian Creed.  More specifically, we confess that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity, neither confusing the persons nor dividing the substance.  We confess that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are coeternal with each other and coequal, so that in all things that we might worship our Triune God in unity. 

Yes, today is the day that we dust off the Athanasian Creed, stand, and confess with boldness our belief that our Triune God is uncreated, unlimited, eternal, and almighty. 

But why bother confessing such a complex and seemingly confusing Creed?  Why bother confessing such a wordy and apparently messy sounding creed like the Athanasian Creed?  Why not just say that we believe in God and leave it at that?  Everybody knows that details and doctrine divide – right?  So, why sweat the small stuff – right?

Well... no.  That is not right.  You see, throughout the history of the church, thousands upon thousands of Christians would disagree.  Yes, there are thousands of Christian martyrs that would have severely disagreed with the sentiments that were previously mentioned, so much that they staked their life on the doctrines of the Christian faith. 

You see, if we look throughout history and spot solid doctrine, we will most likely find a trail of martyr’s blood attached to it.  The Christians of our past were unwilling to compromise the doctrines of God’s Word, and they were unwilling to settle for vague and imprecise statements about the faith.  Those who came before us, such as our Lutheran forefathers, were quite willing to be burned at the stake for a right confession – for solid doctrine. 

But it seems that this way of thinking about the Christian faith has come to an end.  Today more and more people in the church cry out,  

“Oh, why do we have to be so bull-headed about silly doctrine?  Doctrine doesn’t matter; just stick with Jesus.  He saves, not doctrine.  Just stick with the basics; yes, the basics.  We are Christians after all, and we all worship the same God.”

Now, while this sounds fairly reasonable, there are many hidden problems with saying that we should just stick to the basics.  For example, what are the basics of the Christian faith?  Who decides what the basics will be?  You?  Me?  Will someone else decide for us?  Maybe the world will decide what the basics will be?  Will the basics of the Christian faith be reduced to simple children’s stories that make Jesus into a moral teacher?  If so, we really don’t need the Christian faith but can instead watch reruns of Mr. Rogers.  Will the basics be reduced to simple coffee mug slogans: keep the faith, believe in God, be still, just keep praying, and so forth?  If so, we really don’t need the Christian faith but maybe a Starbucks Coffee membership.  Will the basics be simply sticking with Jesus?  If so, should we be concerned with how Jesus gives Himself to us through His inerrant Word and His Sacraments of Baptism and Communion?  If the Word, Baptism, and Communion are too much to fuss about – beyond the basics – well, I guess we are essentially saying that we don’t need the church and should toss our Bibles in the trash, and call it good.      

Remember dear Baptized Saints that Jesus ‘is’ the way.  Jesus did not come to teach you the way or to show you the way or to be an example of how you can find the way to heaven.  No!  That is nonsense! Jesus came to suffer and to die for your sins and rise again for your justification.  On the cross, your Lord Jesus gave His life for you so that He might give Himself to you and with Himself, He gives you and your children, His grace, His forgiveness, His eternal life.  He is your way. 

What does all of this mean, though?  It means that we cannot talk about Jesus without talking about doctrine.  We can’t talk about Jesus without talking about how He gives Himself and His gifts of life and salvation to us.  In other words, doctrine is far from unimportant in the Christian faith.  In fact, without Christian doctrine, we can’t have the Christian faith.  Why?  Because doctrine is just another word for the teachings that our Lord has given us in the Word. 

So, if we let go of Christian doctrine, we are letting go of the Bible.  If we let go of the Bible, we are left with ourselves and our ideas about God, which are more often than not idolatrous – fake.  Furthermore, if we attempt to reduce and diminish doctrine for the sake of embracing an easier life, then in time we will lose the clear confession of who our Lord Jesus Christ is.  And if not careful, we will eventually lose the Christian faith altogether, making us poor souls damned for hell, while thinking that we are fine and dandy. 

Tragically, I hear the sad regret from pastors and parents over how the children and the young people of our churches are falling away from the Christian faith after High School.  And everybody wants to know why.  Why are they leaving!?  Well, it isn’t the fault of the Holy Spirit.  But rather, statistics show us two things.  First, if parents are not bringing their children to church consistently in the first place and teaching them at home about the Christian faith, there is a 1% chance that they will continue in the church after high school.[1]  Secondly, a recent survey of 3,000 Christians conducted by LifeWay Research found that over half of Christians in America subscribe to ancient heresies.  We are not talking about minor doctrinal errors, but major ancient heresies that are condemned by all major Christian denominations.[2]  Bluntly stated, Christians in America do not even know the basics of Christianity and are often embarrassed to admit it.  The average Christian in America has no doctrinal understanding and is often opposed to learning. 

So, if our children and youth are not going to church and not learning at home about the Christian faith, and if the average parent does not even know the basics of the Christian faith, it should not be a surprise to us at all why so many youths are falling away from the church. 

Tragically when the world is teaching our youth about things such as photosynthesis of plants, but the church scorns the idea of teaching our children the doctrine of propitiation, well, it is no wonder why we have the problems that we do. 

O Lord have mercy on us.  God forgive us.  Yes, God forgive every one of us. 

So, where do we go from here? 

Dear Baptized Saints, before we can begin to teach our children, we must know what we believe and why we believe it.  We must learn the doctrines of the faith, the teachings given to us in things such as the Athanasian Creed.  We must treasure and take up the teachings of God’s Word and the Small Catechism, and never settle for the blandness of the basics.  We must know what we believe and why we believe it. 

Yes, if we are to be faithful as a Church and if we desire to have this Christian faith passed down to our children and grandchildren, then we must be prepared to believe, teach, and confess the doctrines of the faith handed down to us from our Lutheran forefathers – from the Christians who have gone before us. 

But we must also be prepared to stand steadfast as a church, to reject and condemn, all errors and false teachings.  But be warned, we will not be liked for being faithful to God’s Word.  The devil hates those who refuse to compromise.

Dear Baptized Saints, doctrine divides, there is no way around it.  We cannot have it both ways.  Either it will be the Holy Christian faith drawn from God’s Word, or it will be a generic-meaningless-empty faith of somebody else’s basics.

Now, if you think this all sounds too harsh, listen to our Lord Jesus and the way He speaks to Nicodemus in the Gospel lesson.  Jesus does not give a watered down generic answer to Nicodemus’ questions.  But instead, Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”  Jesus goes on to say, “We speak of what we know and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony.”  Our Lord is clear here.  He is specific.  There is one doctrine, one teaching, one way – His way. There is no compromising.  Jesus does not water down His teaching or bend it towards mankind.  The doctrine and teaching of Jesus will not compromise and accommodate to our ideas of easier paths.

So, today we confessed the Athanasian Creed, today we confessed the doctrine of who God is in great detail.  We confessed it not as some dry religious exercise, but we confessed it so that we might continue to stand on what we believe and know in whom we believe.

Yes, we confess the Creeds and we learn doctrine because in so doing, we not only learn about our sin but also hear about our forgiveness, life, and salvation.  Indeed, Christian doctrine points us away from ourselves to Jesus and what He has done for us.  And when we hear and learn about Jesus, we are given faith and assurance and confidence that we are Jesus’ now and forever.

May God grant us the steadfastness of faith to cling to Jesus and to His Word.  May God grant us a hunger for His doctrine – His Word.  May God Grant us boldness to confess Him – today, tomorrow, and forevermore.

In the name of Jesus.  Amen. 

[1] Matt Richard, “A New Discovery on how to Keep Youth in the Church,” PM Notes, http://www.pastormattrichard.com/2015/02/a-new-discovery-on-how-to-keep-youth-in.html (accessed May 26, 2018).
[2] LifeWay Research, “Americans Love God and the Bible, Are Fuzzy on the Details,” https://lifewayresearch.com/2016/09/27/americans-love-god-and-the-bible-are-fuzzy-on-the-details/ (accessed May 26, 2018). 

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